In a last-ditch effort to save him from arrest, and deletion, Seven uploads the Doctor’s program to her cortical whatever— with allegedly funny results! Can they tolerate sharing a body long enough to get clear of the space cops? Will the Doctor try Fruit By The Foot? Will the Voyager writers ever stop using Seven’s agency as a springboard for cheap one-offs? Is “Body and Soul” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Holo-Barclay returns with a pocket full of dreams and a bucket full of BS for the Voyager crew! Is this the highly implausible and obvious con that will finally get them home? Will the writers ever think to mention that Troi likes chocolate? How many more times is Voyager contractually obligated to tell this exact story? Is “Inside Man” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
The Doctor is kidnapped (again) and must face his most terrifying enemy yet: the systemic injustice embedded in the modern healthcare system! Will he shatter the Prime Directive in the name of equitable care? Will the crew ever learn to put the portable emitter in a lockbox when no one is using it? Does Starfleet health insurance even cover holographic service members? Is “Critical Care” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Someone is picking off former members of the Maquis Resistance, and the truth might bring Detective Tuvok face-to-face with the only person who is Vulcan enough to take him down! Can he solve the mystery in time to save Voyager from ridiculous Maquis fashion choices? Is this the mutiny we’ve asked for, just six seasons too late to make sense? Is “Repression” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
ENGINES HOT AND GO! IT’S SPEED TIME! Step behind the wheel of justice in THE PEOPLE vs. STAR TREK VOYAGER’S SPEED COURT, the third-most thrilling racing game of the 16-bit generation! Tom and B’Elanna try to fix their relationship by going really fast in space. Will they face greater perils than some dangerous curves? Will Harry’s love life make him an accomplice to high-speed terrorism? Is “Drive” WIN… or a HORRIBLE DISAPPOINTMENT?
It’s the Seven-centric Voyager medical drama that we didn’t know we wanted and still aren’t sure that we want! Icheb steps up to the plate when chugging protein shakes fails to fix Seven’s malfunctioning Borg whatever. Will she accept Icheb’s surprisingly selfless offer of donated parts? Will this finally FINALLY complete Seven’s emotional arc? Can the next episode have some fighting in it? Is “Imperfection” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE? Find out on THE PEOPLE vs. STAR TREK VOYAGER!
The People vs. Star Trek Voyager warps into a brand new season with an episode about… last season! Before the crew can begin their final descent into the Alpha Quadrant, there’s Borgy business to wrap up from Season 6. Will Borg Janeway have taken over the entire collective by lunch? Can Borg Tuvok resist the siren song of perfect organization? Will this be the worst Seven-centric love story in Season 7? Surely, right? RIGHT? Is Unimatrix Zero, Part II GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Warping forth from the Darkness, venting plasma and blasting some sweet original tunes, The People vs. Star Trek Voyager returns to deliver the thing you thought you’d never see: red-hot justice for Season Six! How did the Grand Space Jury rule? Will Voyager score one more unlikely win before the FINAL SEASON begins? We’re in the end game now, Neelix— Is Season Six of Star Trek Voyager GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Bats and skeletons and monstrous phantasms abound! The finale of Season Six is bubbling away in our witch cauldron. Head on down to the spooky Patreon and join at any level to be a member of the Grand Jury and vote for all eternity whether or not Season Six of Star Trek Voyager is GOOD or GARBAGE!!!! Oooooh, so frightful!!
SPECIAL LIVE EPISODE!!! It’s the final story of Voyager Season 6, and there’s no better place to take it for a spin than in front of a live, slightly drunk audience at DragonCon 2022! Can the crew save the besieged inhabitants of a digital Borg paradise? If this is such a paradise, why did Seven date such a big lame when she lived there? Is the galaxy even close to ready for Locutus of JANEWAY?! Is “Unimatrix Zero, Part 1” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Neelix tells the Borg Babies a spooky tale to distract them from Voyager’s high-stakes (well, medium-stakes) mission! Will the CyberKid Detective Squad discover the chilling reason behind the lights being briefly turned off? Will someone fix the coffee replicator before Janeway drives the ship into a space ditch? Is “The Haunting of Deck Twelve” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
A doctor is sick, and the only doctor who can save him is The Doctor! The EMH hops into WinZip and e-mails himself back to the Alpha Quadrant for a medical emergency unlike any other! Can he save his cantankerous, emotionally abusive genius of a pseudo-father? Is it possible for the marvelous presence of Counselor Troi to be kind of a drag? Whatever happened to all that holo-rights stuff? Is “Life Line” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
In an episode that should not be listened to by anyone ever, we decide to drink multiple rounds of something called a “pickleback” while discussing the violent, rage-soaked return of Kes to the Voyager stage! Can she save the ship from her angry old lady self? Will this story bring long-awaited closure to the Ocampan arc? Did we provide any coherent commentary in the second half of this episode? Is “Fury” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
B’Elanna falls from the sky and lands in the adoring clutches of an alien bard! He’s writing for his life on a proxy of ancient-ish, renaissance-ish Earth, but B’Elanna is more of a math person! Will she escape back to Voyager before the bard can finish his peacemaking masterpiece? Will anyone notice that Harry also fell from the sky? Is “Muse” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Three con artists on a garbage scowl engage in the Delta Quadrant’s most devious crime: unauthorized Voyager cosplay! Can Janeway put an end to their spree before her reputation as a killer is replaced by a reputation as a cheat? Will random criminal guy take his one-man show “I, Tuvok” on the road? Is “Live Fast and Prosper” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Janeway takes four sad-sack crew members out for some mandatory fun in a gas giant! Can a tightly regimented afternoon of professional development and forced morale building turn these weirdos into Starfleet material? What insane lengths will this season reach in order to avoid dealing directly with its main characters? Should this thrilling look into Janeway’s staff management philosophy have been a two-parter? Is “Good Shepherd” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
WRASSLIN’ COURT convenes to bring you all the high-flyin’, hard-hittin’, bone-crunchin’ action of what is arguably Season 6’s most boring episode! Will Icheb’s newly found parents put his future in a figure-four leglock? Can Seven of Nine take their nefarious (yet well-obscured) plans to Suplex City? Will Tom hit Neelix with that Sweet Chin Music and send him flying out the airlock? It’s time for Eternal Grapplehug Wrestling, and the in-ring action will answer one big question: Is Child’s Play GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
After striking out with holograms, malicious aliens, and holographic cows, Harry Kim decides to try dating the undead! Can his Academy crush be salvaged from her new life as a corpse-recycling alien with great makeup? Will their rekindled love create yet another diplomatic incident for Voyager? Is “Ashes to Ashes” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Voyager makes a regrettable return to Fair Haven in an adventure that simultaneously strains the limits of holographic technology, audience credulity, and human compassion. Will Tom and Harry be burned as warlocks, as we always suspected they might? Will Janeway’s digital boyfriend lead the NPC revolution? Will Star Trek writers ever leave the Irish alone? Is “Spirit Folk” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
Chakotay & chakompany are kidnapped and held hostage by a Borg youth group on the hunt for a new deflector array! Can Harry pull off a daring rescue from within the derelict Cube? Can Seven muster enough parental authority to get these adolescent killing machines under control before Janeway resorts to biological warfare? Will Neelix have to open a Hot Topic in cargo bay 7 to placate the moody Borg teens? Is “Collective” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?