Case 2.16: Meld

The wacky legal warriors of Judge Midnighhhhttgg::::SUBSPACE ANOMALY DETECTE::D::DDD@#’’’ALL HAIL THE EMPRESS. GLORY TO THE TERRAN EMPIRE. The galaxy’s one true arbiter of justice and decency convenes to punish another suspect cultural offering. A foolish Vulcan uses the powers of his pitiful mind to better understand the soul of a killer, but STRENGTH IS THE ONLY PATH TO TRUE UNDERSTANDING. Will the Vulcan embrace that most ancient and pure of laws? Will Judge Imperatus Afternoonien Now stain his honor with the weak bile of mercy, or will another episode (and another mewling defense attorney) be sentenced to swift justice? Is episode 2.16 “Meld” PERMISSIBLE… or is it PUNISHABLE BY DEATH?